Quotation Explorer - 'Rajesh Walecha'

It's not money which will make your life meaningful.it's life which will make your money meaningful. - Rajesh Walecha
Speak beautiful words to create beautiful world - Rajesh Walecha
Others' Notions may make you 'Good' but your own notions will make you "Great. - Rajesh Walecha
Life is a bag full of uncertainties for everyone. - Rajesh Walecha
If words are power then silence is superpower. - Rajesh Walecha
Practice diligence, intelligence will follow you. - Rajesh Walecha
Break the lockup of thoughts and live free. - Rajesh Walecha
I am not saying we should stop doing impossible,we should do and think impossible but we should not do and think intolerable. - Rajesh Walecha
say positive stay positive - Rajesh Walecha
Strive like a seed to grow - Rajesh Walecha
Imagine reality,reality will imagine you. - Rajesh Walecha
Choose success instead of achieving it - Rajesh Walecha
Achieve yourself rest will be achieved automatically. - Rajesh Walecha
Diligence leads to elegance - Rajesh Walecha
Be crazy about your goal and do not stop till time you do not hit the bulls eye. - Rajesh Walecha
The Earth has ocean of water and the sky has ocean of thoughts. - Rajesh Walecha
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